Security Guard Training


Strong Point of APS.

  1. We have more than 10 Training establishments all over India, guided by our Centre of Excellence, Delhi.
  2. PSARA certified.
  3. We even train personnel from other companies.
  4. Have developed specialized training modules for client sectors like Banks, Schools, Hospital, Malls, Residential colonies, Corporate Offices and industrial houses.
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Training Approach
  1. Beside Basic Training as per PSARA, On The Job training is carried out at sites.
  2. Annual Training calendar is shared with clients.
  3. In –Situ training is carried out and documented. Report Shared with clients.
  4. Participation of employees and other personnel at client sites is encouraged, Creating greater awareness on Security, Safety, Fire Fighting & First Aid.


For Larger Sites, especially at their Corporate HOs , Specialized training for their staff on topics like Fire Drill, Women Safety , Emergencies, evacuation etc is also conducted.

Safety Audit and Evacuation Drills are also carried out for clients on actual cost basis.

Mobile Training Vans
  1. Our Mobile Training vehicle is fully Equipped to carry out security training at large sites and those located in remote areas .
  2. It has all training aids and is having 55” large TV screen along with PA system.
  3. Power backup is provided.
  4. Training modules can also be accessed by Wifi.
  5. 30 Camp stools are available to provide seating to the trainee.
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